ED Tracking Shell Overview

Within FirstNet, the Tracking Shell is the primary unit multi-patient list for ED Unit Clerks, and a secondary source of information for ED Clinicians, ED Providers, and ED Mid-Level Providers.

Using visual indicators like icons and colour, the Tracking Shell provides an overview of outstanding activities and face-up clinical information on patients the Emergency Department.

The Tracking Shell is not the same as the Greaseboard, though there are some similarities.

Patients who have been discharged and no longer appear on the ED LaunchPoint Multi-Patient List will remain on the Tracking Shell for an additional 48 hours.  

Navigate to Tracking ShellNavigate to Tracking Shell


For ED Unit Clerks, you will be brought directly to the Tracking Shell when you first log in.



For ED Providers, Clinicians, and Mid-Level Providers, you will need to click the Tracking Shell button on your ED LaunchPoint toolbar.



Introduction to Tracking Shell TabsIntroduction to Tracking Shell Tabs

There are various tabs on the Tracking Shell:

ED (Location) Available Staff

Displays all providers who are present for the day, including details of their provider role, availability, and how many patients are assigned to them.


ED (Location) Look Up

Displays all the patients who have been quick registered into the ED.

The Filter bar allows users to narrow down a certain patient who have been discharged from the ED within a certain time frame.

The Filter bar on the ED (Location) Look Up can be set to certain time frames or dispositions.


The Patient filter is a bar to search or scroll through to find a specific patient.


ED (Location) Look Up Tab ColumnsED (Location) Look Up Tab Columns

Depart Dt/Tm

This column specifies the date and time in the form on DD-MMM-YYY, HH:MM, in which the patient was discharged.


This column displays the arrangement of the patient’s location, from Discharged Home with Support Services to Admitted to an Inpatient Unit or Transferred to Day Surgery.


This column contains icons which indicate specific information about a patient.


ADE Risk Positive


Falls Risk



This column signifies the acuity level of a patient and is colour coded and numbered from 1 - 5.


1 = Blue – Resuscitation
2 = Red – Emergent
3 = Yellow – Urgent
4 = Green – Less Urgent
5 = White – Non Urgent


The name of the patient is displayed as last name, first name.



This column displays the age in addition to the gender of a patient by the colour of the cell.


Blue = Male
Pink = Female
No colour = Undifferentiated or Unknown


This column displays the patient’s allergies if known, or states otherwise. If the icon is hovered over, it will display the known allergy that was documented.


Allergy (hover over to see specific allergy)

No Known Allergies

No Allergy Information Documented 

No Known Medication Allergies


Reason for Visit

This column displays the reason for the visit, taken from the diagnosis and COT descriptor with the CTAS score.


LOS (Length of Stay)

This is the length of time the patient has been in the ED. The format is denoted as HH:MM.


The icons within this column depicts where the patient is arranged to be placed.


Admit to Inpatient


Inpatient Bed Request



This column indicates the Provider who has assigned themselves to a patient. The initials of the Provider after check-in and assignment will display within this column.


This column indicates the mid-level Provider who has assigned themselves to a patient. The initials of the mid-level Provider after check-in and assignment will display within this column.


This column indicates the Nurse or Clinician who has assigned themselves to a patient. The initials of the nurse after check-in and assignment will display within this column.




These are the outstanding actions the Clinician must complete.



BPMH Required

Interdisciplinary Activities



These are events that need to be completed by a Clinician or a Provider.







RN exam

Urine collection


MD seen

Consult Request


Allied Health

This column displays all allied health referrals.


Lab, Rad, ECG

These columns display the number of orders which have been placed, and are either completed or are in progress. The left-hand number is the amount ordered and the right hand number displays what has been completed. The check marked page icon indicates that all orders have been completed.



The Out of Department column indicates if the patient has left to ED for tests or appointments.  The drop-down list contains:


In Cardiac Cath

In CT Scan

In X-ray

Ready for OR

Ready for Reg

Ready for Transport


The Bed Assigned column remains empty until a patient is admitted, a bed request has been made and an inpatient bed is found and assigned to the patient.  Once the ED has been made aware of the assigned bed it can be recorded in this column.           




Related Topics

ED Tracking Shell Icons

Related Positions

ED Unit Clerk

ED Provider

ED Nurse

Key Words

ED Tracking Shell

Last Updated: May 5, 2020



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