Cancel Discharge

If a patient is discharged by mistake you have 24 hours to cancel the discharge using the Cancel Discharge conversation. This conversation is used to cancel the discharge of an encounter that was done by mistake - it returns the patient to their previous location.

Launch the Cancel Discharge conversation

From Conversation Menu in PM Office


From Conversation Launcher in PowerChart


Perform the appropriate CST Cerner and/or EMPI Search in the Person Search window.

Select the correct person record and discharged encounter and click OK.

The encounter information will already be populated.

Confirm that the patient’s room and bed are still available and perform one of the following steps:


If room and bed are still available, click Complete to place the patient back in the same room and bed.

If room and bed is assigned to another patient: 

Click on the Bed Availability and select a new room and bed in the Bed Availability window.

Click OK.

Click  Complete in the conversation.

NOTE: If the room and bed is not confirmed before clicking Complete to the conversation and the Bed Status is assigned, an error message ‘This encounter’s last location, Location, has a status of Assigned. You cannot cancel the discharge back to this location at this time. Do you want to select a different location? will display. Click Yes and reopen the Bed Availability window.


NOTE: For ED locations, the selection of room and bed will not be mandatory.

If a different patient is occupying the same bed, by clicking on YES to the error message (shown above), the discharged encounter will be placed back into the previous room.  


NOTE: If the encounter has been discharged for more than 24 hours and needs to be cancelled, you will need to contact Data Quality to have them cancel the discharge as an attempt to cancel the discharge will prompt the message ‘The selected encounter has been discharged more than 24 hours. You cannot cancel a discharge more than 24 hours post discharge.’




Related Topics

Discharge Encounter

Modify Discharge

Related Positions

Registration Clerk

Patient Placement Clerk

Key Words

Discharge Error

Cancel Discharge

Last Updated: October 2, 2018



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